Feminism and they

Dimitra Peppa
2 min readDec 29, 2020
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

First, I want to make clear that as a woman of course I believe in the equality between men and women, but also I understand (or I’m in the process of that) that we are only different on some levels.

And that’s ok.

It’s not ok that we get paid less just because we are women. It’s not ok that we may get sabotaged before we even open our mouths just because we are women. It’s not ok that…So many issues that still exist in 2020, soon to enter 2021. But…

Have you ever tried and talk about feminism-equality with a man?

I mean…an open-minded one!

Well, I did. Actually, we watched together a documentary about feminism and the feeling was surprisingly pleasant and inspiring. We agreed that we see some stuff from another point of view and we agreed that we disagree. But what I think was the most important are some thoughts that he (and probably many others) had that never crossed my mind. And that doesn’t mean that suddenly they are the victims in the whole situation, but that some things are just the way they are for both sides, biologically speaking.

So, my advice would be to try and have that kind of conversation with open-minded people about different kinds of issues, just to broaden your mind, to see something from various aspects and points of view.

P.S. Of course we (women+men) should and must fight for things like salary etc., but I think we should do it all together, maybe starting with simple conversations.

~take care

