Get on the carousel of life

Dimitra Peppa
1 min readJul 3, 2020
Photo by Matt Riches on Unsplash

As it was about time to present my thesis and get my degree, I started to feel stressed about what was going to happen next. I wasn’t ready yet. I wanted to know exactly what I wanted to do with my life, before going out there.

As the quarantine was nearly over, I caught myself not feeling prepared to get back to normality. I wasn’t ready yet. I needed more time doing nothing.

As I am getting older, I’m waiting for my autoimmune disease to “go back to sleep”, but I don’t want to lose the excuse for not doing things because of that. I am not ready yet. I want to grow up mentally.

I realized, that I will never feel 100% ready for anything actually. I just need to get on the carousel of life, because that’s how life works. It doesn’t wait for you to be ready, you just have to keep going!

